Worship and Tech

worship team 2

The Worship Ministry of Skyline exists to put Jesus on display. When His followers come together and lift Him up something incredible takes place; lives are changed, bodies are healed, and people are made whole in His presence. As musicians and singers, we use our gifts to lead His church in Spirit filled worship. We want to create the best possible opportunity for people to encounter the love of Jesus and allow space for personal response to His love.

We believe we are to do more than duplicate the original recording and perform a playlist of songs. We are to move with what God is doing in the moment and are looking for artists who are willing to be led by the Spirit in real-time. We have an incredible team of creative and excellent musicians that flow in unity, humility, and love.

The Culture and Qualification Process for Worship and Tech Team

What we value in a new worship/tech team member:

How to become a new worship/tech team member:

During the application and audition process there's a possibility of hearing “not at this time” or “maybe you should serve in another ministry” or even “no”. At Skyline we value getting people into the right place to serve, and we pray and work diligently to find those ministry opportunities for everyone.

Our Process

Character, craft, chemistry, calling, commitment and connection.

Character – This involves someone’s integrity and spiritual walk, etc.

Craft – This involves.

We believe 1 Chronicles 25:6-8 sets a precedent that our team members need to be skilled. Because of that, we have a specific process to qualify potential team members.

"All these men were under the direction of their fathers as they made music at the house of the Lord. Their responsibilities included the playing of cymbals, harps, and lyres at the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman reported directly to the king. They and their families were all trained in making music before the Lord, and each of them—288 in all—was an accomplished musician. The musicians were appointed to their term of service by means of sacred lots, without regard to whether they were young or old, teacher or student." - I Chronicles 25:6-8

Chemistry – This involves how well people fit together with each other and the culture of the worship team at Connect Church. As we grow larger, we understand not everyone will be “best friends” on our team. A person may click better with some more than with others. However, there needs to be respect and camaraderie between members in order for us to create and maintain a great team culture.

Calling – Calling is a “tough-to-determine” qualifying factor but is important to us. Essentially, we are looking for someone who has a sense that God is leading them to serve in this ministry.

So what are some aspects of calling that apply here?

Commitment – King David, in 1 Chronicles 21:24 says that he will not make an offering that costs him nothing. There are many things vying for our attention (family, work, hobbies, etc.) and we are looking for people willing and able to put in the practice, spiritual preparation and offer the reliability that will be asked for as you serve on the team.

Connection - This aspect specifically focuses on your place with The Church at Skyline. Do you truly want to serve the Lord at our church, or simply play music or work with tech? Are you engaged and connected in other areas of the church, and actively following God's purpose for you with us as a church?

If you are newer to The Church at Skyline, we will move ahead slowly, and may ask to talk with a previous Pastor or other church leader when possible.

We look for at least a few months of regular attendance at The Church at Skyline before we will invite someone on the team. However, we do occasionally make allowances for people to participate sooner or as substitute members if they meet other aspects of qualification.

The application/audition procedure really is a "process".

Becoming a worship musician or tech team member is a process that we use to determine if a person is right for our team. The leadership needs to get to know you and how you might fit best with our ministry. And you need time to make sure this ministry is a good fit for you. The process looks like this:

Step One:

Application - After reviewing the remainder of this page, if you are still interested in being part of the Worship and/or Tech Team, you will be asked to complete an online application. After we receive and review your application, we will contact you to continue the process.

Step Two:

Initial Interview - This step involves meeting with our worship ministry leaders/team members to get to know you personally and musically.

Step Three:

Live Band/Tech Audition - This step involves singing or playing with a group of musicians from the team or participating in the tech support for a rehearsal. This is a time when we will observe:

Step Four:

Invitation - We will take a few days to pray and seek the Lord's will, and if things are looking like a good fit, we'll invite you to be a part of the team. At that time, we'll ask you to affirm your commitment to our culture and ministry by signing our worship team covenant.

Please note: Our schedule is often set up to two months in advance. While we'll look for openings to include you, we may not be able to fit you in to the current schedule for a few weeks.

Step Five:

Participation and Follow-up - As you begin to participate on the team, we'll check in after each Sunday to see how things have gone. We also want to take regular opportunities to talk about ways that the leadership can serve you better and identify any areas we may need to help you develop and grow in your leadership.

There's a possibility of hearing “no”

There are a number of reasons why someone wouldn't qualify to be on the worship or tech team:

The leadership will be honest and forthright with applicants on what they observe. Here is our approach to saying no:

We believe everyone is called to serve somewhere in God’s kingdom. If our worship and tech teams are not a good fit, we will prayerfully help a person, if they would like, to take the first steps to find another ministry here at The Church at Skyline.

That's it! Thanks for taking time to read though our process. If you have specific questions before you apply, please contact Pastor Loren at: thechurchatskyline@gmail.com

If you’re ready to apply, we are ready to hear from you! Click the appropriate button below.